Love this and so many thoughts. Just one of them for now: I played the piano too, though I didn't start quite that young. (Age 7--growing up in Bangladesh made it tricky to start any sooner than that!). When I got to college, I made the very deliberate choice to study music as little as possible (though I continued to play daily) because I wanted to protect the joy I derived from it. I have a number of musicians in my family, and I could clearly see what music became to them. I have never regretted that choice, and weirdly, I have made the most money I've made doing anything from playing the piano. I love how you said ," I’d rather be more like Mr. Brown. I’d rather ask my children how they’re doing on the inside, say no to the things that are not as important, break out the coloring pages and the crayons on the tough days, turn the music up, sing our hearts out. I’d rather make my home a kind of sanctuary. I’d rather give them permission to be the age that they are." I hope I'm doing that for my kids too.

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Joy, thanks for sharing this piece of your life with me. I love that even then, you realized the importance of protecting the joy of music and having something in your life just for the pure enjoyment of it! I felt similarly when considering whether or not to pursue a degree in music. And that quote from the end... Yes yes yes. That’s exactly what it is, isn’t it? A hope and a prayer and not something to hold rigidly. We do our best and apologize and rest in abundant grace. ❤️

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Oh man, I loved this essay. I feel it deep in my perfectionist bones! Also, very exciting to hear about submitting to journals. Go you! I hope your words land beautiful places. 💛

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Thanks for always cheering me on, Bec. I'm so happy these words resonated with you.

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I’m honestly just still so jazzed about the idea of a micro-memoir. This was great. So beautifully written💛💛 (p.s. thanks for including my essay in your round up!)

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I love that the idea of a micro-memoir is sticking with you! Thanks for reading, and for reminding me that real life is fuller and more beautiful than any game of MASH could have boasted. 🤩❤️

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Your newest poem is. so. good. and your vacation adventures have me excited for the ones that are coming for us this fall! Nothing like chaos and family memories! Great newsletter, friend!

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Olivia! Thank you, friend. Where are you guys traveling to this fall?

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OKAY. Love all the accompanying pics to your reflection. So presh. Thanks for sharing so honestly. And I am very much looking forward to Part-Time Poets' new issue!

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Thanks for reading, Sarah. I'm excited for PTP, too!

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1. I was a ballet dancer growing up, and I picked the style of ballet where you actually have to TEST out of each level. They fly these little old ladies around the country to watch you and scrutinize your every move. I did this FOR FUN. The eldest daughter energy is STRONG over here. 2. If Books Could Kill is the BEST. I mean, anything with Michael is. God bless him. 3. THE BEAR. We're almost done with season 2 over here and I look forward to it each and every night.

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OMG we have so much to talk about in person in September!! Good luck with the ending of Season 2. Idk how I'm going to wait so long for another season (an incredibly millenial problem to have, I admit).

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This is a great reflection and reminder!

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This was a joy to read. I laughed, I cried, I felt so seen. As a child, I too felt like I earned love through accomplishments.

Your poem 🔥

Our 14 hour road-trip with my 2 and 4 year olds sounded like yours.

And thoughts & prayers as you potty train!

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Alyssa, I’m just really grateful that my words could help you feel seen. That’s always my highest hope for writing so thank you for that encouragement. ❤️ And 14 hours?! Wowza. That is a huge feat!

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